Questions To Ask When Hiring An Employment Lawyer
Hiring an attorney can be a difficult and daunting task. That is especially true if your business is being sued by an employee or your livelihood and career rests on the outcome of an employment dispute. Hiring a lawyer for an employment dispute is especially challenging, due to the complexity of the laws and...
Questions To Ask When Hiring An Employment Lawyer Continue reading…
The “Looming” Challenges With H-1B Visas: Some Thoughts
With the news of in-fighting amongst supporters of incoming-President Donald J. Trump regarding the H-1B visa process, I thought it was necessary to write this article to express some of my thoughts after serving as an employment lawyer for over 25 years. Over those 25 years, I have represented U.S. citizens with complaints...
The “Looming” Challenges With H-1B Visas: Some Thoughts Continue reading…
Decisive Jury Verdict Win for “Beertender” against Bear Chase Brewing (Loudoun, VA)!
On May 12, 2023, a jury that was convened to hear the case Garrett Hoffman v. Bear Chase Brewing Company, LLC, in the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria), entered a verdict in favor of Garrett Hoffman as to all counts under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), with respect...
Decisive Jury Verdict Win for “Beertender” against Bear Chase Brewing (Loudoun, VA)! Continue reading…
Supreme Court Rules LGBTQ Individuals Protected by Title VII
On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court made a landmark ruling in the realm of employment discrimination law. At issue in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia,[1] was whether or not an employer could fire an employee simply for being homosexual or transgender. In a 6-3 decision authored by Justice Gorsuch, the Supreme...
Supreme Court Rules LGBTQ Individuals Protected by Title VII Continue reading…
May 20, 2020: US D. Ct (Maryland) Rejects Preliminary Injunction To Maryland Stay At Home Order
For those looking to read Judge Catherine B. Blake's opinion in Antietam Battlefield KOA, Inc. et al. v. Gov. Lawrence Hogan, where the US District Court for the District of Maryland rejected a preliminary injunction against Governor Hogan's stay at home orders, you may find it here:
Client Alert – Restaurant Workers Survival Guide To The COVID-19 Crisis
Special Employee Client Alert
Surviving As A Restaurant Worker In A Workplace Impacted By COVID-19
By: Hoffman Employment Law
March 23, 2020
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has severely disrupted the restaurant industry, and consequently has cost possibly hundreds...
Client Alert – Restaurant Workers Survival Guide To The COVID-19 Crisis Continue reading…
COVID-19 Maryland Employer Alert
Our employer client advisory regarding COVID-19 is attached.
Coronavirus Client Alert (3.19.20).pdf
Employer Alert – Maryland “Ban the Box” Law
2020 Maryland Laws Ch. 3 (S.B. 839 (2019))
Many jurisdictions have enacted so-called “ban the box” legislation, which generally prohibits employers from requesting information regarding criminal background on employment applications. The theory behind this...
Employer Alert – Maryland “Ban the Box” Law Continue reading…
Important Ninth Circuit En Banc Decision – Win for Restaurant Workers
Are you a restaurant employee who has been forced to work lengthy periods of time on non-tipped activities at a subminimum wage? A recent case from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reiterates the principle that if you are going to pay a restaurant worker a subminimum wage...
Important Ninth Circuit En Banc Decision – Win for Restaurant Workers Continue reading…
Maryland Law “Disclosing Sexual Harassment in The Workplace Act of 2018”
On October 1, 2018, a new Maryland Law titled “Disclosing Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Act of 2018” (the “Act”) goes into effect. The Act will immediately prohibit employment agreements containing any waiver of a “substantive or procedural” “right or remedy” relating to claims of sexual harassment or retaliation for complaining of...
Maryland Law “Disclosing Sexual Harassment in The Workplace Act of 2018” Continue reading…