The “Looming” Challenges With H-1B Visas: Some Thoughts

With the news of in-fighting amongst supporters of incoming-President Donald J. Trump regarding the H-1B visa process, I thought it was necessary to write this article to express some of my thoughts after serving as an employment lawyer for over 25 years.  Over those 25 years, I have represented U.S. citizens with complaints...
The “Looming” Challenges With H-1B Visas: Some Thoughts Continue reading…

Decisive Jury Verdict Win for “Beertender” against Bear Chase Brewing (Loudoun, VA)!

On May 12, 2023, a jury that was convened to hear the case Garrett Hoffman v. Bear Chase Brewing Company, LLC, in the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Virginia (Alexandria), entered a verdict in favor of Garrett Hoffman as to all counts under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), with respect...
Decisive Jury Verdict Win for “Beertender” against Bear Chase Brewing (Loudoun, VA)! Continue reading…

Maryland Law “Disclosing Sexual Harassment in The Workplace Act of 2018”

On October 1, 2018, a new Maryland Law titled “Disclosing Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Act of 2018” (the “Act”) goes into effect. The Act will immediately prohibit employment agreements containing any waiver of a “substantive or procedural” “right or remedy” relating to claims of sexual harassment or retaliation for complaining of...
Maryland Law “Disclosing Sexual Harassment in The Workplace Act of 2018” Continue reading…