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Hiring an attorney can be a difficult and daunting task.  That is especially true if your business is being sued by an employee or your livelihood and career rests on the outcome of an employment dispute.   Hiring a lawyer for an employment dispute is especially challenging, due to the complexity of the laws and sheer number of lawyers who claim to regularly practice in this area.  It is common for lawyers who claim to be an employment to “dabble” in the area or seek just specific employment claims, such as wage/hour.  

The following are several topics that you should consider asking an attorney before hiring them for an employment dispute:

1. What is your experience?   

How many years have you practiced law.  You want a seasoned professional, not someone looking to ‘cut their teeth’ on your case.  Don’t hire a lawyer who dabbles in employment law.  Ask, “do you practice exclusively employment law?”   We practice exclusively employment law.  We have over thirty (30) combined years of employment law experience.  Want a lawyer for your mother’s estate or a DWI?  We are not your lawyer.

2. Have you dealt with my issue before?  

Many lawyers may practice employment law, but they may not have specific experience with the issue.  That may require them to “learn the law,” while on your dime.  With over thirty (30) years of combined, intensive experience, Hoffman Employment Law has likely “been there and done that.”   Just ask us. 

3. What are your educational accomplishments?  

What law school did you attend and how did you perform and when did you graduate?  Do you attend continuing legal education programs?  Howard B. Hoffman is an honors graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law, and Jordan S. Liew is a graduate of Georgetown University Law School.  Both lawyers regularly attend continuing legal education programs put on by prominent bar associations.  

4. What teaching experiences do you have?  

Teaching is an essential attribute of a good lawyer. It demonstrates depth and confidence in a subject area, and it demonstrates both public recognition and public speaking ability. Howard B. Hoffman has been honored to teach numerous seminars for both fellow lawyers and laypersons alike. 

5. Have you been published?  

As a member of a learned profession, participating in legal publications as well as publishing noteworthy legal articles is an essential attribute of a good lawyer. Legal writing demonstrates mastery of a practice area. Howard B. Hoffman has either authored or participated in the publication of the following notable articles and publications.  A full CV is available upon request. 

6. Are you recognized by the media?  

An attorney whose cases and work are followed by the press demonstrates not just notoriety, but that other clients have trusted that lawyer with important legal work. Our work is regularly included in major press reporting, including Reuters, Law360, and papers such as The Baltimore Sun

7. Where are you admitted?  

On the one hand, it may serve no purpose to hire a lawyer admitted in one state but not admitted in the jurisdiction where the dispute is pending.  On the other hand, lawyers with national reputations and prominent clientele frequently appear in jurisdictions where they may be admitted for a limited period.  You should ask a prospective lawyer, where are you admitted to practice and have you appeared in this court (or before this Judge)?  We are admitted in Maryland, DC, Virginia, including all of the Federal and State Courts.  We appear in arbitration and mediation hearings before all the major forums.  We have achieved historic success in appellate litigation.

8. How do you approach the practice of law?  

We pride ourselves on being affordable, efficient and practical.  Looking for someone to just skirt ethical rules and engage in gamesmanship?  We may not be the lawyer for you.  Our philosophy is reflected in this quote by Abraham Lincoln:  “Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser – in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.”  Pres. Abraham Lincoln.  We encourage compromise and negotiation whenever possible, but we are not afraid of the inside of a courtroom.  Far from it.  We will try a case before even the most difficult judge and jury. 

9. What sort of awards have you received?  

An accomplished lawyer should have received awards both academically and from peers.  Howard Hoffman has received the Joseph Bernstein prize (excellence in legal writing) and the Shawe & Rosenthal prize (best employment law grade) from the University of Maryland School of Law.  Howard Hoffman and Jordan Liew have both been recognized as SuperLawyers ® for numerous years, with Howard Hoffman most recently noted for his employment law defense work in Maryland. 

10. What are your greatest professional achievements?  

This may be a tough question for accomplished lawyers, because there may have many achievements that come to mind.  Howard Hoffman’s greatest achievement has been giving a voice to the dispossessed and downtrodden.  Howard Hoffman has had notable victories in favor of law enforcement whistleblowers at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, greatly expanding the rights of honest police and first responders to speak up about government malfeasance.  This work has served the public interest and honest policing.  In addition, while we exclusively handle employment law, in one non-employment civil rights case, Howard Hoffman represented an animal rescue which was banned by a local government from rescuing animals after it blew the whistle on deplorable and deadly conditions at a shelter facility.  That lawsuit was instrumental in bringing about major change in Baltimore County, Maryland and set a nationwide precedent.  Fancy Cats Rescue Team, Inc. v. Crenson, et al., 2015 WL 268665 (D. Md. 2015) (Bredar, J.) (represented cat rescue whose First Amendment retaliation lawsuit survived Motion to Dismiss; holding that cat rescue banned by Baltimore County Animal Services stated First Amendment (free speech) claim). 

11. What are the charges for your services?  

Of course, attorney rates matter.  Like everything, you typically get what you pay for and hiring an attorney is no different.  However, we pride ourselves with affordable rates.  We are not the cheapest but not the most expensive.  A reputable lawyer should be willing to provide a letter of representation detailing the terms, including financial terms, of legal representation.  A letter of representation is provided upon any request for legal service. 

12. Do you have a consultation policy?   

Employment lawyers generally cannot offer free extended consultations.  We are no different.  But you will talk with an attorney, not an “intake coordinator,” whatever that is.  Our consultation policy can be located here

13. Do you have any references?   

Any lawyer should be willing to provide references upon request.  Do not hire an attorney off of Google reviews.  Our references are available upon request.  Our greatest source of business is from client referrals.  We are regularly asked to serve as expert witnesses in employment litigation involving the issue of attorney fee disputes and other matters.